The following publications have been funded or part-funded by NET:
- The Future for UK Defence, Diplomacy and Disarmament – 50 Proposals for a More Peaceful World, May 2024, Nuclear Education Trust.
- Survey of Nuclear Disarmament Education (NDE) in Secondary Schools in England, September 2022 Nuclear Education Trust.
- Defence Diversification: International learning for Trident jobs June 2018, Nuclear Education Trust.
- UK Parliamentary debate analysis: bombing ISIL in Syria September 2016, via the Flapjack Trust.
- British military attitudes to nuclear weapons and disarmament June 2015, Nuclear Education Trust & Nuclear Information Service.
- The UK’s National Defence Needs and International Nuclear Disarmament Responsibilities February 2014, Nuclear Education Trust.
- Trident Alternatives Review and the future of Barrow December 2012, Nuclear Education Trust.
- Defence-Industrial Issues: Employment, Skills,Technology and Regional Impacts Keith Hartley. Discussion paper 2 of the BASIC Trident Commission.
- Entente Nucleaire: Options for UK-French Nuclear Cooperation Bruno Tertrais – Senior Research Fellow Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique. Discussion paper 3 of the BASIC Trident Commission.
- Options for arms control to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in NATO Ambassador Peter Gottwald, November 2010, Nuclear Policy Paper No. 1.
- Polish and Central European Priorities on NATO’s Future Nuclear Policy Lukasz Kulesa, November 2010, Nuclear Policy Paper No. 2.
- Current NATO Nuclear Policy Rt Hon the Lord Browne of Ladyton (Des Browne), November 2010, Nuclear Policy Paper No. 3.
- Nuclear Options for NATO Paul Ingram, BASIC Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference 2010 Papers —4 (PDF), April 2010.
- Disarmament Treaties April 2010.
- Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace 2010.
- Nuclear Weapons States Profile 2009.
- Trident Replacement – what comes next? 2009.
- Devonport Briefing 2009.